How to make the best homemade mosquito repellent, according to artificial intelligence – News from Argentina

The mosquito invasion is still valid in Buenos Aires and, given the high prices of repellents, many people decide to make their own product home to keep these insects away.

It is for this reason that Chat GPT’s artificial intelligence carried out an exhaustive analysis and revealed the way to do the best homemade repellent for mosquitoes.

Read also: How long will the mosquito invasion last, according to specialists

Chat GPT AI explains that the garlic spray It’s one of the most effective homemade mosquito repellents. This recipe uses natural ingredients and easy to prepare. Its effectiveness lies in the strong aroma of garlic, which is known to repel not only mosquitoes but also other insects. It is also a natural option for those who prefer to avoid synthetic chemicals.

How to make garlic spray, the best homemade mosquito repellent according to artificial intelligence

  • Crush several cloves of garlic.
  • Boil the crushed garlic in water.
  • Let the mixture cool.
  • Strain the liquid and pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Once finished, use it on the skin.
Garlic spray is one of the most effective homemade mosquito repellents.  (Photo: Adobe Stock)

Garlic spray is one of the most effective homemade mosquito repellents. (Photo: Adobe Stock)

Read also: How to keep mosquitoes away so they don’t bite you, according to artificial intelligence

What are mosquitoes for?

Mosquitoes, despite being annoying to people and known to be vectors of diseases, play important functions in nature:

  • They’re a essential food source for many species, including birds, bats, frogs, fish and other insects. The disappearance of mosquitoes could make it difficult for these animals to find food.
  • Some Mosquito species feed on nectar and contribute to plant pollination. Although they are not as efficient as bees, their role in pollination helps maintain plant diversity in ecosystems.
  • By feeding on the larvae of other aquatic insects, the mosquitoes help control their populations.
  • The Mosquitoes contribute to the decomposition of organic remainsfavoring the recycling of nutrients in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Why mosquitoes bite some people more than others

The reason why mosquitoes bite some people more than others has to do with the blood type and body odor.

In research carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, he concluded that Mosquitoes are much more attracted to people with blood type Owhile those of type A and B tend to receive fewer bites.

Furthermore, it was also known that there are certain body odors that attract mosquitoes while others repel them. Another important factor is body temperature: Mosquitoes approach people whose body temperature is higher.

This also explains why these insects they itch more in summer than in winter and why its presence is higher in tropical places than in cold climates.

Read also: Tremendous video: a fisherman forgot to roll down the car windows and found an invasion of mosquitoes

On the other hand, this study also revealed that mosquitoes they get closer to people dressed in red or blackunlike yellow and green, which repels them.

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